Project Description

Beth Bathe

Beth Bathe is an artist residing in Lancaster, PA. Primarily painting in oil en plein air since 2013, she participates in more than ten high profile competitions from Maine to Washington State a year.  Her paintings have won numerous awards and honors and she was a featured artist in the 2018 February/March issue and an article on water mixable oils in the Dec/Jan 2020 issue of PleinAir Magazine. Beth most recently won Best Vehicle in the Plein Air Salon August 2022.

Curiosity about the medium Beth works is often the first question of many viewers. Is it watercolor, is it oil? Beth’s answer: “somewhat both.” She works with Water Mixable Oil Colors in a limited tonalist palette, using both brushes and unconventional tools. Her representational paintings have been described by art critics as “evoking nostalgia, like that of an old sepia toned photograph, often with just touches of color. She is highly influenced by American painter Andrew Wyeth.

Beth is represented by several galleries up and down the East Coast and in the Midwest. She teaches classes and leads workshops all over the country and at her studio, Short Dog Studio, where she shares her space with her photographer partner and two cardigan welsh corgis.

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